Surname *
Project manager, company manager or key contact person
Name *
Email *
Contact number *
Legal entity not registered
Not a resident of the Russian Federation
Full corporate name of the legal entity *
Individual Taxpayer Number
Individual Taxpayer Number *
The city where the team works *

Project Title *
Brief description of the project *
Project website (link if available)
Technological focus

Subject *
Technologies, equipment, materials, software in the following areas: *
Technologies, equipment, materials, software in the following areas: *
Technologies, equipment, materials, software in the following areas: *
Technologies, equipment, materials, software in the following areas: *
Technologies, equipment, materials, software in the following areas: *
Technologies, equipment, materials, software in the following areas: *
Project implementation stage *
Potential business impact when implementing your solution / product
Expected effect of emission reduction / pollution reduction (in physical units by types of pollutants / waste
Indicate investment needs (if necessary), in rubles
Project presentation *
Project presentation. We strongly recommend that you use the template when placing your application. If you use your presentation design, you must reflect in your presentation all the mandatory sections reflected in the template (PDF, PPT, PPTX, 25 MB limit)
Additional information
(is recommended to attach reference materials proving the experience of testing, piloting, implementations (test reports, acts of implementation, letters of recommendation, customer reviews, etc.)
I have read the text of the Regulations on the procedure for conducting the GreenTech Startup Booster Program *

* - обязательные для заполнения поля | required fields